Launching YogaHoroscopecom Yoga Horoscope Provides Aspirational Approach to Wellness through Ancient Practices

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 31, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ â€" YOGA HOROSCOPE is an astrology website founded by Simone Petra Pinkhasova that provides weekly horoscopes with yoga and wellness rituals for each of the 12 zodiac signs. The weekly reading presents aspirational content with yoga and mindfulness practices to encourage a holistic approach to living based on the current lunar cycle and monthly transits.

“Horoscopes are my method to extract symbols from the subconscious; a language to understand how and why we express particular behaviours. Combined with the art of yoga, I hope to support people in connecting to their deeper purpose in life. ” â€" Simone Pinkhasova.

The weekly horoscopes are crafted to provoke, entertain, and ignite a sense of purpose in readers. Narrating from a snappy and somewhat detached perspective, Pinkhasova gives each zodiac sign a persona and dictates their efforts for the week like a cantankerous Great Aunt. At the end of each reading, a yoga or mindfulness class is prescribed for each zodiac sign to align with their energy that week. The practices are meant to establish balance, so if you’re a feisty Aries, you’re likely to receive a yoga class that tempers the fire and offers a sense of fluidity to release.

“My horoscopes are based on the Ayurvedic ideology that like attracts like, and opposite heals,” says Pinkhasova, “I choose a yoga class to neutralize overabundant energy or incite impassivity depending on what each zodiac needs to achieve harmony.”

Yoga Horoscope recently released the Astrology and Abundance Quiz for readers to discover how to manage their money better. The quiz uses the four zodiac elements earth, air, fire, and water, to discern how individuals succeed and sustain wealth. The results provide readers with a guide to understand how to optimize their time, money, efforts, and resources to attain abundance. The yoga offered in the results aligns the body and creates space to listen for readers to work with the cosmic energy and integrate themselves with more intention.

Yoga Horoscope is sponsored by Practice with Clara. Clara’s yoga apps facilitate conscious movement and offer inspired living through education and effortful yoga, martial arts, mantra, and meditation practices. Clara Roberts-Oss is the app’s founder and creates practices that stem from the Ayurvedic approach that like-attracts-like, and opposite heals.

Yoga and astrology are systems for the individual to gain more awareness of themselves and their world. Both are empowering techniques to understand the behaviours, motivations, and subconscious patterns that motivate human action.

“Receiving and writing horoscopes is my method to liberate the potentialâ€"the giftâ€"in each individual. I am grateful to Clara Roberts-Oss for providing the yoga so readers can embody the practices that liberate the body, mind, and soul.” â€" Simone Petra Pinkhasaova.

Astrology may help us define the purpose and connect to the qualities in others and our environments that incur the best outcome. Yoga offers a practice to ignite balance through conscious movement, breathwork, and mindfulness practices such as mantra and meditation. Bringing the two together helps the practitioner refine and align within themselves and connect to the greater good within themselves and humanity.

Simone Petra Pinkhasova is a Serbian-born yoga practitioner whose passion for philosophy, poetry, and performative arts led her to the study of the stars. Simone writes weekly horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs and offers complimentary practices such as yoga and meditation to guide readers to a state of inner balance and equanimity.

Clara Roberts-Oss is an international vinyasa yoga teacher, producer, and entrepreneur from New York City living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Clara hosts global teacher training, events, and workshops and founded the Practice With Clara platform, where she creates videos on yoga and related content. Practice With Clara features styles such as Vinyasa, Hatha Yoga, Prenatal, and Restorative Yoga.

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Simone Petra Pinkhasova, Yoga Horoscope, 1 6047263213,

SOURCE Yoga Horoscope

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