REC Names Regions Leading Implementation of Export Standard 20 in the First Half of the Year

In the first half of 2021, the Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, and Pskov regions, as well as the Altai Territory led the way in introducing the Regional Export Standard 2.0 in Russia, the Russian Export Centre (REC) reports.
It has been noted that the most "advanced" regions have already implemented from 10 to 12 of the export standard's requirements. The results were summarised at the All-Russian Conference on Export Support Infrastructure that is taking place in Belgorod.
"The standard allows [us] to create an ecosystem to support exporters in any region. We have tested [the export] standard's tools in 11 pilot entities. According to the results of the pilot introductions, the document was updated and approved by the project committee for the national project, and since 2021 it has been implemented in 40 regions and will be implemented in all the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2024", REC Regional Project Director Natalia Minaeva said. © Sputnik / Pavel BednyakovRussian Export CentreWe have already taken stock of the export standard's implementation in the Central Federal District, which is catching up with the country's top 10 leaders. The Central Federal District includes the largest number of entities implementing the export standard this year: 10 out of 18 entities have implemented its instruments in their territory.
Per the Russian Export Centre, almost all of the Central Federal District's regions reached the first benchmark figure of the federal project in time, implementing 7 of the export standard's 15 tools by 31 July.
The Regional Export Standard 2.0 was developed in accordance with the national project "International Cooperation and Export" and includes unified approaches to creating an export development environment that takes into account regional specificities.
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