The man behind senior-friendly workout videos in Hokkien Mandarin and more


Chan let on that he “seldom sees seniors being forced to come for a session. Most of the time, they want to do it”. But for those with elderly folks at home, you’d be all too familiar with excuses such as “I’m tired”, “My back/knee hurts” or “I don’t need to exercise”.

Chan, too, has heard them before and he is keen to change their minds with the help of their families.

“Before I meet the seniors, I’ll speak to their children or grandchildren, or whoever it is that is close to them to see what they enjoy doing,” he shared.

“This topic rarely comes up but if it does, I’ll say, if you’re an ah gong or ah ma, you have energy to play with your grandchildren. I want to help you last longer when you play with them or carry them longer. They’re likely to give it a shot when you approach it from this angle.”

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